Friday 21 February 2020

DC motor control using LABview and Arduino and PCB files


Arduino code 


void setup()
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  if (Serial.available())
    int val = Serial.parseInt();
    int speedm = val % 1000;
    int state = val / 1000;

    if (state == 1)
      analogWrite(3, speedm);
      digitalWrite(5, LOW);
    else if (state == 2)
      analogWrite(5, speedm);
      digitalWrite(3, LOW);

Components List for PCB

Arduino nano (with usb cable) - 1
L293d -1
16 pin IC base (for l293d) -1
7805 (U3) -1
470 uf (c5)- 1
1uf (c3) -1
330 ohms resistor (R3) -1
LED 5mm - 1
Barrel jack (pcb mount) -1

Geared DC motor (12v) -1
DC 12v Power supply (1 Amp)(with barrel jack pinout) - 1

female header strip -2


Lab view files

Front Panel

Block Diagram

PCB Files

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