Wednesday 2 May 2018

Interfacing ADC 0804 with 8051 micro controller

Source Code:


#define adc P2

sbit load = P1^6;


sbit soc = P1^0;//HIGH to LOW gets data from internal registe to pins in adc
sbit rd = P1^1;// LOW to HIGH pulse is given for start of conversion
sbit intr = P1^2;// pin turn LOW when conversion is done

void intserial();
void sendserial(unsigned char dat);
void delay(unsigned int count);
unsigned char get_adc_data();
unsigned char mydata;


void sendserial(unsigned char dat)
TI = 0;
SBUF = dat;
while(TI == 0);


void intserial()
TMOD = 0x21;// timer 1 and 2 @ auto reload mode
TL1 = 253; //9600 baud rate
  TH1 = 253; //9600 baud rate
SCON = 0X50; // 8 bit serial communication
TR1 = 1;


unsigned char get_adc_data()
rd = 0;
soc = 1;
rd = 1;
//waits untill adc conversion is over
soc = 0;
//mydata = adc;//copies adc data to mydata
return P2;


void delay(unsigned int count) 
int i,j;


void main()
while(1) // repeats infinite

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